Making connections around the world

A word in April 2004 from Mike Trewartha pointing out the link to his own growing family on

In September 2003, John Smith found my link to his Aussie Web Site and he tells me that he is more than happy to field any questions as to the Trewartha family history and the ancestry of those with a Trewartha in it. John tells me his wife, also an Australian, is the one with a TREWARTHA in her ancestry. He says this goes back to a Philip and John Trewartha in the late 1500s and early 1600s, but no location identified.

In March 2003, Jim and Karen Trewartha made contact. This line live in Columbus Ohio, USA and Jim told me his father, Dan Trewartha, is from Madison Wisconsin, USA, but now lives in Sacramento, California, with his second wife, Nancy. Jim’s grandfather was the well-known Geography professor, Glenn Trewartha who worked at the University of Wisconsin in Madison..

Dan Trewartha has 2 sisters and a brother, as well as four children. Jim tells me he has a cousin named Robin who lives in the Chicago area. Jim and Karen Trewartha can be contacted at

In September 2002, I had a quick word from Nigel Trewartha, living in Rietberg, Germany. I trust Nigel’s freelance initiative went well.

Earlier this year I had an invaluable letter from a Trewartha connection in South Africa. As it refers directly to my own paternal grandmother, I am including the letter in the next post…

1 Comment

  1. sue trewartha

    John Smith is sooooo gooooood with all the information he has about Trewarthas. wow lets hope we can all share our information. I am doing stuff for a Trewartha family reunion in South Australia, in Oct 2008. lots of information around. i cannot believe how much i have found at Kapunda in SA, which is where our Elisha and Elizabeth Trewartha came to from Gwennap in 1847.

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